I just bought this 2000 6x4 Gator. It hasn't been used much lately, so I'm dealing with some issues. The current issue I'm dealing with is the cooling fan will not come on. I used my tester and verified power to the fan. I used a jumper to bypass the fan control switch on the radiator and the fan came on. I'm assuming that means my control switch is bad since the water in the radiator was pretty hot. A couple of questions:
1) Where can I buy a new control switch?
2) I know the power to the fan is on all the time. Would I do any harm by bypassing the control switch and changing the circuit to switched? The fan would run whenever the key is on.
1) Where can I buy a new control switch?
2) I know the power to the fan is on all the time. Would I do any harm by bypassing the control switch and changing the circuit to switched? The fan would run whenever the key is on.