I'm trying to convert an old gas 4x2 gator to electric drive.
I'm debating how to connect the motor to the transmission. I could do it any one of 3 ways:
1. Remove the secondary clutch and use a chain drive to connect the motor and trans shafts.
2. Keep the secondary clutch and drive the cogged belt with the motor.
3. Keep the secondary clutch and drive the cogged belt with the old primary clutch to the motor.
Any thoughts on the best way?
I'm debating how to connect the motor to the transmission. I could do it any one of 3 ways:
1. Remove the secondary clutch and use a chain drive to connect the motor and trans shafts.
2. Keep the secondary clutch and drive the cogged belt with the motor.
3. Keep the secondary clutch and drive the cogged belt with the old primary clutch to the motor.
Any thoughts on the best way?