My machine has been acting up over the last 2 weeks or so. Would take 2 to three turns of the ignition to get the machine to fire up. Once warm, no problem. Anyway, took machine to town on Saturday to give it a good pressure washing. Started right up thereafter and drove it home. Parked it over night and went to fire it up on Sunday morning. No go!! It briefly fired up but immediately died. Wouldn't fire thereafter. I have NO error codes. I had some water problems last year where I had spark and good fuel. The dealership told me it was the 02 sensors on the exhaust. I'm experiencing the exact same symptoms (I still have good spark and good fuel). I ordered two new 02 sensors this morning to replace myself. Deere had to order them so they won't be here till Wednesday. Anyway, I'll give an update, but any input in the meantime would be appreciated. Thanks!!