I ordered a new rsx 2 weeks ago. I just got it today and was checing the paperwork and it is a 2013? Says it was built Oct 8th 2013. It has an 020000 serial number instead of the 030000 of the newer ones. This is bull
. Here it is February 2014 and I specificly said I wanted a 2014 that is why I ordered it. Its a model year old. I can't find a year anywhere on my paperwork. I kind of feel slided on this. I should have got a freshly built machine right off the line. What can I do? Are there any disadvantages to it being the older model? Have there been any refinements since it was built? Is this why JD threw out that 1K rebate, 2 yr jdesp warranty and 0 for 36 just to get rid of a bunch of units in a warehouse? Can I take it back? To top it off the back side of the roll bar on the passenger side is all gouged up. I got it friday to do some snow riding this weekend but there it sits in the garage with all but 2 miles on it. Im scared to take it out for fear they won't do anything about all this.