Hello. I’m new to the forum, but not new to gators. I have a repair shop with 13 yrs experience. Anyways, I had a customer bring in a 2012 825i in due to not starting when it was cold. When he would get it to start it would run just fine after warming up. So he brought it to me. I experienced the same things he was. I first checked the plugs and only #3 was wet. I checked fuel pressure and it would go all the way up to 65psi and a couple of times after the pump would stop running it wouldn’t hold pressure. I did the test a few more times and it always held pressure. The pressure was still high, but I didn’t address that at first. I talked to a couple JD guys and they told me that the early 825i’s had injector issues and they said to replace them. I ordered new injectors from Ronin Factory. They are the exact same injectors as the ones that came out of the gator. I put them in and cranked the engine over to make sure they were all firing. Only #3 was firing. I then swapped 3 with 2 and then 2 would fire. I thought I had bad new injectors. I got another set of new injectors and they worked. I put the fuel rail back in and still had a hard starting issue. I checked fuel pressure again and it started to not hold pressure again. I replaced the old pump and regulator setup with the newer pump and regulator. Tried starting again and still had the same problem. I ready a similar post on here where someone replaced the temp sensor and that fixed their problem. So I got a new temp sensor. I just unplugged the old one and plugged the new one in letting it just hang outside the block. Still wouldn’t start. I’m really at a loss here. I saw someone mention the idle air control motor, but not sure if that would fix this issue. I have a manual for it. I was also thinking tmap sensor, but after reading the theory of operation on that and the iac motor I don’t think it’s either of those. Again, the fuel system is all new. Me and the customer are so fed up with the thing right now it’s not even funny. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!