Bought new battery thinking the battery was old.
Doesnt take long for the battery light to come on when I turn on the lights. I have a LED bar as well on the roof. If Im driving around and turn off the gator and all lights. Sometimes there is not enough amps to crank the engine and I have to jump it. I also notice that only 2 of the four stock lights work in the front of the utv. I checked fuses and everything seems fine.
If anyone has had these problems or have experience in this I would greatly appreciate a sense of direction. Thank you
Doesnt take long for the battery light to come on when I turn on the lights. I have a LED bar as well on the roof. If Im driving around and turn off the gator and all lights. Sometimes there is not enough amps to crank the engine and I have to jump it. I also notice that only 2 of the four stock lights work in the front of the utv. I checked fuses and everything seems fine.
If anyone has had these problems or have experience in this I would greatly appreciate a sense of direction. Thank you