For several months now i have had a clunk while driving my gator. As i described before its a random clunk under and towards the rear of the gator. Will happen randomly as a drive the gator, some days worse than others. I am now getting that same clunk when i apply the brakes, but only just as i barely touch the pedal. If i feather the brake pedal as im rolling ever so slightly(before the brakes actually engage) i get the clunk clunk clunk with each slight touch of the brake pedal. So at this point, the clunk happens randomly as i drive and am nowhere near the brakes as well as when i am coming to a stop and slightly engage the brakes. Any ideas? I was thinking something to do with a caliper, but the clunk really sounds like its coming from the transmission somewhere rather than a brake, but given the fact that i can make it happen by feathering the brake it would have to be brakes i would think. to add to that, the rear brakes have always squealed like crazy since the machine was new???? anyone ever have any problems like this.