I am sorry but I have returned again. I still am chasing the s/n of the gator which I was told to be a 2009, which has proved to be in error. I looked at the Transaxle and found the s/n to bee 048330, and the JD p/n to be 133460, of which I have been unable to locate in any of the parts breakdowns. So I really am up the creek. I will keep trying though.
I was curious as to if anyone can tell me the correct drive belt for another gator. The S/N is WX046688. That would be question one. Question two is can any one tell me how to keep this gator from jumping out of gear? ou can hold it in gear and all is fine, but take your hand off the handle and it will jump out of gear. Any Ideas?
Thank Every one for their patience with me
I was curious as to if anyone can tell me the correct drive belt for another gator. The S/N is WX046688. That would be question one. Question two is can any one tell me how to keep this gator from jumping out of gear? ou can hold it in gear and all is fine, but take your hand off the handle and it will jump out of gear. Any Ideas?
Thank Every one for their patience with me