Hi, I am new to the site and need some help. I just bought a used RSX850I it has an EPI clutch kit, dual big gun exhaust, big gun programmer, two hundred miles are on it, and forty eight hours. I took it out this weekend for the first time, and had the following problems. Problem one: the fuel gage not working and is not showing anything on the dash, when you turn the key on it self checks and shows full then nothing with the tank full (not a big deal). Problem two: Seem to run extremely hot, digital gage pegged out, then the fan finally came on, it went down one bar, and the fan kicked out, also the radiator seemed to be clean, when I got it home I cleaned the radiator with water and bleed out at bleeder screw. Problem three: Shifting problems, couldn't get shifter out of forward or reverse when hot, and had to shut the machine off so it would shift easy, it also kept trying to move forward like the clutch wasn't disengaging, but when the machine was cold it shifts easy. I disassembled down to get the clutch cover off (what a pain). I'm wondering if anybody knows how to fix these problems and if the clutch is supposed to release all the way to the bolt and washer. Mine has 1/8 in. between the washer and clutch. ![]()