I posted earlier that I was having surge issues with my 620I and thought maybe it was clutch related. Well today I dug a little dipper and found the clutch is not the problem. The throttle response is my problem. The dealership sat my idle to the recommended specs, so they say. Pressing ever so slightly on the gas pedal and the engine responds as it should. Then it holds that RPM for 1/4 of the remaining pedal. There is no slack in any of the throttle body linkage. The butterfly responds to all throttle linkage movement but does not build RPM's. The engine idles fine and runs fine. It is just aggravating to drive at slow speeds. There are several electrical connectors and I sprayed them all with contact cleaner, sprayed carb cleaner in throttle body (did not remove it) and changed out air filter. Any suggestions as to what my next step should be? My suggestion to my wife was simple. Trade it on a new 825, but the wife didn't think that was funny.