We need your help!
Join us for a stewardship event and site clean-up on the Table Mesa Recreation Area. Help keep target shooting and OHV areas open for continued use.
Every Volunteer Counts!
Please bring water, work gloves, hat, sunscreen, trash pinchers, buckets and wear long pants and sturdy shoes. 4WD and OHV vehicles are useful.
- When: Sunday, March 13th, 2016
- Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Where: Table Mesa Recreational Area (North of Phoenix, Arizona)
- RSVP: Tread Lightly! Table Mesa Clean Up
- Directions: The Table Mesa Recreation Area is located off I-17 and Table Mesa Road. Head west on Table Mesa Road, then north on the frontage road. Follow signs posted at the end of the pavement. Volunteers will also be on site providing more information and directions.
Location Map: Table Mesa Map
- Questions? Email Evan@treadlightly.org
Additional Information:
The area is very popular with recreational target shooters, off-highway vehicle riders, equestrians, mountain bikers, hikers, and others because of its close proximity to the metropolitan Phoenix area. Unfortunately, this area is also prone to illegal dumping, littering, and debris that needs to be cleaned up. As public agency budgets fade, volunteerism becomes even more important.