After the dealership had my Gator for over a month, I got it back on a Friday and loaded it up to head to Hillarosa for a mud bog. It was being used as a back up bike since we already broke it once and with less than 2 hours on it and about 5 miles it once again demolished the rear differential. This time on flat level ground and not being abused at all. I am very dissapointed with this machine and now that the warranty has expired im very nervous about it. There is also an issue with water getting into some of the elictrical connections causing the engine to cut out and stall.
No reason this bike should be breaking a rear end before it breaks an axle but who knows. I Bought a RZR 800s for my mud bike I just hope that they get this one lined out soon. I get alot of attention with it and lately it seems to be a lot of bad press in my area.
No reason this bike should be breaking a rear end before it breaks an axle but who knows. I Bought a RZR 800s for my mud bike I just hope that they get this one lined out soon. I get alot of attention with it and lately it seems to be a lot of bad press in my area.