I have a 2000 Turf Gator. It doesn't maintain a charged battery. I can run it for a short distance and the battery drains. Recharging the battery and it will go a short distance again.
With the gator running and the rear wheels off the ground the battery is shows right around 12 volts with a volt meter, maybe a little less. When I disconnect the voltage regulator ( a golf cart regulator by the way) I get a reading of 12.7 volts on the battery with my meter. Battery is new and shows 12.9 volts when Gator is not running.
I have 2 Ebay purchased starter generators (much cheaper than JD and maybe the problem?). Both show the same voltages.
Guidance? Thanks!!
With the gator running and the rear wheels off the ground the battery is shows right around 12 volts with a volt meter, maybe a little less. When I disconnect the voltage regulator ( a golf cart regulator by the way) I get a reading of 12.7 volts on the battery with my meter. Battery is new and shows 12.9 volts when Gator is not running.
I have 2 Ebay purchased starter generators (much cheaper than JD and maybe the problem?). Both show the same voltages.
Guidance? Thanks!!