I'm sure most of you know by now that the 2013 825i has "dynamic engine braking". I tried to get my dealer to look up the parts to see what I needed to do to upgrade my 2012 825i. He said he would call the area rep and have him find out what I needed. He never got around to it. I contacted Team Industries and discovered it takes a new secondary clutch and, get this, a new transmission input shaft. Why would they change the input shaft? Also Team told me they did not currently sell the clutches and I would have to go through John Deere. I checked back with the dealer, after laying out $17,000 just six months ago for a 2012 Gator 825i, they wanted to charge me suggested retail. We had a discussion and I informaed them how I felt and their comment was, "sorry you feel that way". Any suggestions on a dealer that is more customer friendly. This was Smith Equipment" in Indiana.